Priestess Shamhat

NAME: Shamhat
MEANING: the luscious one
OCCUPATION: sacred prostitute of the temple of Inanna
✥NP~ A
Imperial Privilege B
Golden Rule (Wealth & Body) A
Manifestation of Beauty B
Divinity B
Goddess' Essence C


Who is Shamhat?
Shamhat is a character who appears in Tablets I and II of the Epic of Gilgamesh and is mentioned in Tablet VII. She is a sacred prostitute or more modernly known as a priestess/worshiper of the Inanna (Ishtar) temple who plays a significant role in bringing the wild Enkidu into contact with civilization. She was asked by Gilgamesh to use her attractiveness to tempt Enkidu from the wild, and their 'wildness', civilizing them through continued sexual intercourse. She was brought to a water source where Enkidu had been spotted and offered herself. They enjoyed Shamhat for two weeks of sexual intercourse, with a break spent in discussion about Enkidu's future life in Uruk.
Her mention in the Tablet VII is when Enkidu is dying. They express their anger at Shamhat for making them civilized, blaming her for bringing them to the new world of experiences that has led to their death. They cursed her to become an outcast, a streetwalker/whore to never have her own family and to be abused all her life. The god Shamash however reminds Enkidu that Shamhat loved, fed, and clothed him as well as brought him to his soul mate Gilgamesh, wanting only what was best for him. Enkidu then relents and instead blesses her saying that all men will desire her and offer her gifts of jewels for her beauty and kindness.


Gilgamesh- The King of Uruk and Shamhat are implied to have already had a relationship before the events of Enkidu appearing take place. He calls upon her specifically, thinking of her first when the trapper asks him for assistance in the taming of Enkidu. When with Enkidu she shares with them stories of her King and the powerful dreams he'd had about getting a new friend, another part of his soul in a sense. Further evidence that they were perhaps close in some way due to just how much she knew of him.Enkidu- The relationship of these two is a rather lengthy one, starting with their first meeting and carrying on to when Enkidu comes back to her after their failed attempt at rejoining the animals, Shamhat immediately welcomes them back into her arms and starts initiating them into the ways of humankind. She tells them about the wonders of Uruk, and invites them to come back with her to the city. Throughout her description, she seems to be mainly thinking about what's good for Enkidu—she wants them to learn "how to live" She shares with them her own cloth and the joys of food and drink, the very ways of life.


HELLO!! You can call me Mimi
I am a very easy going person so you don't need to be scared of me, I can assure you I'm more frightened of you. Ain't anxiety a bitch?
I am a bit shy so I'll have issues from time to time reaching out but I will try my best. I also work quite a bit, I'll have spotty activity and may sometimes get distracted with various other projects as I do play a lot of various video games and am an artist. I'll try to keep track of everything but sometimes I might miss something. I don't do it out of spite or anything I promise.
I don't mind most RPs but if it hits a point where I am uncomfortable I will let you know, please do the same in return. Communication is key in this world of writing together.